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Banyan Tree China Lijiang Experiences - Experiences Banyan Tree

Experiences at Banyan Tree

If you're wondering what to do in Lijiang, there's a wealth of activities to choose from. Spend time with those closest to you and delight in a selection of resort activities to make your stay most memorable. Liaise with your personal Villa Host to create a bespoke experience for you and your travelling companions.

Naxi Bonfire Dancing

Dance with our Banyan Tree Hosts during nightfall around the bonfire and enjoy the local Naxi dancing with sunset views. 5:30 pm - 8:15 pm every Saturday


Dongba Calligraphy Writing

Take Dongba calligraphy and paper-cut lessons taught by a local Dongba master. While learning through fun, children can also learn about the history and culture of Dongba and the Naxi minority’s traditions.

lijiang calligraphy

Handmade Candle Class Workshop

Learn from professional spa therapists on how to craft homemade candles using pure natural materials, and choose your favourite essential oil. The whole class is a one and a half hour lesson, and you can take your candle home as a special memento.

RMB 100 per adult 5:00 am - 8:00 am daily except Tuesdays


Children's Activity Centre

From 8 am till 8 pm, children can enjoy interesting activities in the resort's fun-filled facilities such as trampolining, our Cassia seed sandbank, and toy bricks. For their safety, children must be accompanied by guardians.

Harvest Green

Banyan Tree Lijiang has an organic garden filled with seasonal vegetables and fruits. Pick a selection of vegetables and fruits, and take them to the chef to cook for a meal.


Other Activities & Experiences

Attend a cooking class to learn how to cook local Lijiang cuisine.

Write down your wishes with your family and drop them into the pool at night. Leave your best memory in Lijiang and make a wish that you will return.

Please consult with the front desk


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