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What To Do After Sunset in the Maldives

banyan tree vabbinfaru maldives night pier

Maldivian sunsets are some of the best in the world, but after that happens, what’s next? At Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru in the North Malé Atoll, Earth Hour extends to a full night of unplugged bliss during the monthly event 'Connect to earth from dusk till dawn'.

Still, there are plenty of things to do after dark at our barefoot tropical paradise. Ditch your phone and your worries as you embrace life under the moonlight.

Star-bathe on a secluded beach

Star-bathing, known as ‘hoshi yoku’ in Japan, is all about immersing in the night sky to calm the senses and be more mindful of the present moment.

Isolated from the light pollution of bright city lights, the Maldives are a perfect place to look up and be mesmerised by a twinkling skyscape of stars at night. Given the location of these islands, it’s possible to observe constellations from both the northern and southern hemisphere, and stargazing is possible all year round, although the chances of clear skies are greater during the dry season between November and April.

Go night fishing

Avoid the sunburns and venture out to sea under the cool cover of darkness, to learn age-old Maldivian fishing methods from our experienced boat captain and his skilled deckhand. Master a local hand line method of fishing and catch a variety of snappers, jacks, barracudas, and more.

Catch something of a decent size, and our chefs will be happy to have it cooked and served for lunch the next day.

Dance to the Bodu Beru

The Bodu Beru, literally meaning ‘big drums’ in Dhivehi, is the most popular form of music and dance in the Maldives. This lively activity has roots that can be traced as far as the 11th century, and is a fantastic way to immerse in the local culture.

Although traditionally made of stingray and manta ray skin, the drumheads are now made of goat skin due to environmental considerations. The dance was also originally performed to celebrate festive seasons such as Eid, but its evolution over the years has turned it into the music of the common people – performed during gatherings as a way for people to enjoy time together.

Gather around to the sound of the sangu

As daylight fades every evening, the setting of the sun is announced by the blowing of the “sangu”, or conch shell. Traditionally, this “Call of the Sangu” in the Maldives signals a time to gather, time to celebrate, an alert for an emergency, or a last meal before fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

At Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru, it simply marks the day’s end and transition from bright lights to soft tones of the night, beckoning travellers to hit the Naiboli Bar and share stories over tropical craft cocktails.  

Enjoy a romantic beach BBQ dinner

Pull up a chair at the most romantic table on the island, when you dine under the stars to the scent of sea breeze and with your feet resting on the sandy shore. Our private beach BBQ dinner is an intimate candlelit feast of fresh seafood and meat grilled by our resort staff, set up in a secluded section of the island without a hint of the modern world in sight.

Discover the wide range of adventures to be had under both the sun and moon when you stay at Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru in the Maldives.


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