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Anna Oposa: Mobilizing citizens to change behaviours and take collective action

Duration: 20:47

Anna Oposa: Mobilizing citizens to change behaviours and take collective action

Meet Anna Oposa, our change maker based in Metro Manila, Philippines.

As chief mermaid and executive director of Save Philippines Seas, an organization she spearheaded in 2011, Anna is mobilizing citizens and effecting positive change in her country’s public school system around environmental education. The inspiring writer, speaker, and environmental conservation consultant for prominent national and global organizations is an enthusiastic extrovert who is as happy under the sea as she is working with people of all stripes on land for projects around waste management, shark conservation, ocean health and circular economies. For her tireless campaigning and change-making, Anna has won awards and distinctions, and she has also co-authored a couple books.


In this episode, Anna, whose background is in musical theater, reveals the event that led to her to completely shift focus and start Save Philippine Seas—as well as the struggles with imposter syndrome and bureaucracy she’s risen above. The lifelong Little Mermaid fan also shares her positive outlook on the future and what she’s personally doing to ensure it is sweet.


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